. Discussion 4. Discussion TheThe structure of host host exoskeleton, particularly the composition of lipids present structure of your the exoskeleton, particularly the composition of lipids present around the around the cuticle, to become a major a major aspect determining the susceptibility or resistance of cuticle, appears seems to become element determining the susceptibility or resistance of insect insect species to C. coronatus infection [31,346,46,61]. Researchhas shown the larvae species to C. coronatus infection [31,346,46,61]. Research on C. vicina on C. vicina has shown the larvae to fungal infection soon after exposure to sporulating fungal colonies; nevertheless, to be resistantto be resistant to fungal infection soon after exposure to sporulating fungal colonies; on the other hand, coronatus conidia resulted in 100 mortality in 24 h. The flies 24 h. The flies injection of C.injection of C. coronatus conidia resulted in 100 mortality in exposed to the exposed for the fungus did not indicators of fungal penetration by way of the fly cuticle, nor the fungus did not demonstrate any demonstrate any signs of fungal penetration throughany fly cuticle, nor any modifications to the internal organs, nor any mobilization of KDM4 Inhibitor Purity & Documentation haemocytes changes towards the internal organs, nor any mobilization of haemocytes to eliminate the fungal to get rid of the fungal pathogen; in contrast, those conidia with C. profound harm pathogen; in contrast, these injected with C. coronatus injected suffered coronatus conidia suffered profound harm towards the internal organs. Therefore, in these Dipteran flies, inside the towards the internal organs. Therefore, in these Dipteran flies, it appears that a pivotal roleit appears that a to fungal infection was played by the cuticle [62]; that is supported by additional resistancepivotal part in the resistance to fungal infection was played by the cuticle [62]; this is supported by vicina observations that cuticles larvae have G. mellonella or D. pini, observations that C.furtherlarvae have thicker C. vicina than these ofthicker cuticles than these of are also a lot more D. pini, that are also extra susceptible role of cuticular FFAs inside the whichG. mellonella or susceptible to fungal infection [62]. The to fungal infection [62]. The function of cuticular FFAs within the resistance to fungal infection by C. vicina, D. pini, and G. mellonella resistance to fungal infection by C. vicina, D. pini, and G. mellonella larvae can also be CCR2 Antagonist manufacturer described larvae can also be described by Gol biowski et al. [31]. by Golbiowski et al. [31]. e Our findings indicate that effects of of C. coronatus exposure on S. argyrostoma differ Our findings indicate that the the effectsC. coronatus exposure on S. argyrostoma vary considerably among developmental stages, with pupae being resistant to infection considerably in between developmental stages, with pupae becoming resistant to infection andand adults becoming susceptible. This outcome is constant with previous studies of other flies from adults being susceptible. This outcome is constant with earlier research of other flies fromInsects 2021, 12,16 ofthe order Diptera, for example C. vomitoria, C. vicina, L. sericata, and M. domestica [32,34,41,61,62]. Even though there was no apparent sign of infection around the cuticle with the S. argyrostoma imagines, studies have shown a considerable mortality rate of adult flies. Assuming that the adult flies were licking the sporulating fungus for the duration of the present study, it is actually likely that the route of infection was by ingestion of fungal spores, which would promptly germinate i