evaluation to refine the initial improvement theory and thereby improve probabilities for implementation. Procedures: The realist evaluation incorporated a mixed-method style consisting of semi-structured interviews with patients (n = 5) and involved overall health care specialists (n = 25), stakeholder meetings (n = 2), and surveys (n = 114). The study was approved by the recognized health-related ethical committee of MUMC+ and all participants gave verbal informed consent. Both quantitative and qualitative data had been extracted to create the content material of context-mechanism-outcomeconfigurations (CMOcs) important in ECS therapy. The study was funded by a grant from ZonMw, the Netherlands Organisation for Health CYP3 Activator list Research and Development.934 of|ABSTRACTwas demonstrated within the APS patient and DVT recanalization either partial or comprehensive was shown on venous duplex inside the other five sufferers. No bleeding complications have been documented while on fondaparinux. TABLE 1 Patient characteristics and evolution on treatmentPatient (sex, age, weight) High thrombotic risk conditionConclusions: In our case series, fondaparinux was a limb-saving and possible life-saving selection when other common techniques of anticoagulation failed.Thrombotic illness and treatmentEvolution 1 month post fondaparinux initiation: reduction in mass size to 3.4 mm, no additional embolic eventsFemale, 28y, 64 kgTriple positive APS Ischemic toe at 25y, PE (on Warfarin) at 26y, 1st pregnancy at 27y (on LMWH): placental abruption at 28 weeks and HELLP syndromeAt 33 weeks of 2nd pregnancy: developed a TIA whilst on LMWH – LMWH dose enhanced 20 Elective delivery at 36 weeks 2 days post-partum: created various cerebral microinfarcts – an additional 20 LMWH improve (total 40 ) four days post-partum: found to possess a large mitral valve thrombus (21 x 9 mm) and worsening neurological symptoms – fondaparinux ten mg x 1, then 7.five mg die x 25 days (with Warfarin bridging)Female, 30y, 92 kgHomozygous ThurnerfactorIn-stent left frequent iliac vein thrombosis on Warfarin (four months post insertion) – switched to LMWH 30 days later: Left leg DVT progression – LMWH increased 25 7 days later: Right frequent femoral DVT – fondaparinux 10 mg die x 14 months, followed by Warfarin Bilateral above-knee DVTs – began on LMWH 15 above weight-adjusted dose 7 months later: acute bilateral above-knee DVTs – fondaparinux 7.5 mg die x 5 months, followed by Apixaban Appropriate above-knee DVT started on LMWHV Leiden and Maysyndrome DVT: diagnosed soon after post-partum left popular iliac vein stent was insertedDuplex 5 months post: patent proper leg veins, partial DVT regression on the leftMale, 54y, 65 kgTesticular metastatic germ cell tumorDuplex five months post: bilateral partial recanalizationMale, 50y, 57 kgStage IV Pancreatic cancer3 weeks later: Acute left above-knee DVT – LMWH increased 30 two months later: Bilateral PEs – fondaparinux 7.five mg die x 40 days (then died from cancer)Duplex 1 month post: partial recanalization of bilateral DVTsFemale, 61y, 63 kgHodgkin’s lymphomaCatheter-related subclavian DVT – began on UFH (about 40 000 units/24h for therapeutic PTT) Following 3 days of UFH: DVT extension in axillary vein – fondaparinux 7.five mg die x eight months Appropriate above-knee DVT and PEs started on LMWH 10 months later: spontaneous thigh hematoma requiring transfusion, du-Duplex 2 months later: partial recanalizationweekpost:Male, 71y, 75 Caspase 3 Chemical Formulation kgMultiple myelomaplex showed acute right above-knee DVT – IVC filter insertion and stopped anticoagulation 2 weeks later: Le